Allegations, Investigation and Arrest of Suspect
The criminal justice process begins when someone makes an allegation that a crime has occurred. Most often these accusations are made by civilian witnesses, although police officers are often witnesses as well.
Begin Preparing Your Defense Online NowOften it is the type of offense that dictates whether accuser is law enforcement as opposed to a typical lay witness. Where police officers set up a sting operation, you can expect to have those same police officers as the original witnesses to the crime. Domestic violence disputes, on the other hand can be expected to involve family members.
- What type of offense were you arrested for?
- Are you aware of any witnesses that can be expected to testify against to?
- What about witnesses that might testify in your defense?

Always make notes detailing your recollection of the events leading to your arrest.
Making a record of the events leading up to and following your arrest can greatly assist your criminal defense attorney in preparing your defense. The best time to make note of your recollection is immediately following the event.
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