DUI law enforcement typically involves field sobriety tests, also know as roadside sobriety tests. This test usually precedes a breathalyzer test and if one of the most challenged aspect of DUI enforcement by DUI Attorneys in Broward County, Florida. a three-part field sobriety test is usually performed by a police officer once a traffic stop is made on the suspicion that the driver may be drunk or impaired in some other way.
This test helps the officer to observe the suspect’s physical ability, balance, attentiveness, or any other attributes that may be useful in determining whether the suspect was driving under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances. The suspect’s performance in a field sobriety test is recorded by the officer and used as evidence in a DUI case.
The NHTSA has endorsed a Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST), which includes three comon parts, as follows:
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) TestThis test evaluates the ability of the suspect to accomplish certain tasks with divided attention. The test requires the suspect to walk nine steps along a straight line, moving heel to toe. This is followed by the turning on one foot, and then going back in the same way in the opposite direction.
One Leg Stand (OLT) TestThis test requires the suspect to stand with one of the feet off the ground nearly six inches, and count for half a minute. If the suspect starts using arms to balance, sways while balancing, or hops or places the foot on the ground, it may indicate possible impairment.
Should I Submit to Breath Test?A blood test can deliver the most accurate results, but for practical reasons, police officers typically use portable breath analysis devices to evaluate the BAC level of a suspect at the point of the initial DUI traffic stop. Breath analysis devices, popularly known as breathalyzers, usually provide strong evidence regarding the BAC level of a suspect. However, the test is not infallible.