Andrea Penoyer Tianga

The Huffington Post reported back in April of 2012 that Brandon Johnson, had accused Broward County Sherriff’s Deputy Andrea Penoyer Tianga of shooting him several times while he was sleeping in his automobile.
Officer Penoyer claims that Johnson was not sleeping at all, but instead driving straight toward her and other Broward Sheriff’s Deputies when they decided to open fire.
Apparently Penoyer and the other officers involved caught significant heat for the shooting as Johnson was shot several times according to Criminal Defense Attorneys from our firm. In response, the gun slinging police officers claim that ‘they feared for their lives because Brandon Johnson, 21, of Pompano Beach, Fla., drove his borrowed Toyota Echo straight at them’
Many people mistakenly believed that this was a case of police brutality rather that an attempted battery on a law enforcement officer .
This was primarily due to a report to a local Broward County newspaper. Johnson, who said he was sleeping in his car because of a conflict with a housemate, lost three teeth when a deputy’s bullet entered his mouth and exited through the bottom of his chin. His Uncle reported the the officers were trying to kill his nephew and that he wouldn’t have broken the law according to the Sun-Sentinel .
You may remember the name Andrea Penoyer from the reality show Police Women of Broward County. Penoyer was the most notable officer on the program according to one viewer poll.
What Became of Accusations?This report stirred up some local controversy. A report was filed and some criticism was endured by the officers, however, the report did not amount to criminal charges being filed or even disciplinary action for that matter. Ultimately,criminal charges were filed against Brandon Johnson in Broward County, Fl.
By Attorney William Moore.