‘Sons of Guns’ Reality Star Will Hayden Arrested Following False Accusations of Child Molestation
Discovery Channel “Son of Guns” Reality Star Will Hayden was arrested and booked for charges of child molestation and crimes against nature this past weekend.

However the former Marine says that the child molestation are completely false while claiming he recently ended the relationship with the woman accusing him and this is her way of retaliation against him. The bitter ex apparently told police that he molested their daughter.
These types of accusations will be taken seriously weather true or false therefore Child Protective Services was called to interview the young daughter and her older sister. Apparently the oldest daughter defended her father saying that “there was never any impropriety in our home. He is a good father”.
Since, the abuse claims are not showing to be true after the interview protective services signed off on letting the girls return to Hayden’s home.
According to sex crimes attorney Jim Weick ‘The fact that the daughter was released back to the father’s home strongly indicates that charges will not be filed, in cases where Child Services gets involved the likelihood of the child going back to the accused would not be an option if the accusations appeared true.
What happens when false accusations are made?Well this woman could be looking at some very serious criminal charges. Child sex crimes are at the top of the most serious crimes, therefore when adults use the law as a way of retaliation the court will make sure the woman faces consequences, especially in the family court law.
There are many cases where a child will wrongfully accuse an adult however the child would not face as serious of charges as when an adult makes false accusations.
Unfortunately, there are bitter ex lovers, family members and friend who do this as a tactic of hurting the other. Either way the wrongfully accused must seal out the legal representation of a experienced sex crimes attorney. Theses types of cases are so critical and have no room for error.
People charged with child sex crimes will face serious felony charges as well as labeled an actual sex offended, which can never be removed from their record.
By Alexandria Rae